Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Horizon on New Trends in Technology

The Horizon Report- A Reflection for EDET 650

After reading the Horizon Report for 2011, it was exciting to see Electronic Books, Mobiles, Augmented Reality and Game- Based Learning as the top four adoptions within the next 3 years. The horizon of Mobile devices really tops the list as far as I am concerned. It is as if most of the other advances rely on mobiles. The accessibility, and the “always- connectedness” makes the mobiles applicable in all aspects of life. It is through these mobiles that the e-books, game-based learning, augmented reality, and gesture-based computing all comes together into a neat little package.
Being able to access electronic books on mobiles is really exciting in the realm of education. About two years ago, I was introduced to electronic books through a friend who had purchased a Kindle. After investigation, I purchased one with an Educational grant. After that purchase, I became aware of the fact that the app could be downloaded to computers and other mobile devices. The educational benefits of the electronic books are phenomenal. Being able to display an electronic text for the class to examine together, motivating slow readers, allowing non-readers to “listen” to audio books while having the text in front of them are some of the benefits that have been practical uses in my classroom. As more books and journals become available electronically, and can be viewed on various mobile devices it means being able to get multiple resources into students' hands quicker, easier and with less expense. Another advantage to electronic books that I have experienced in my personal family, is the way it helps people with visual impairments. Since texts can be enlarged it has made reading so much easier and has made many more texts available to those with vision problems.

Upon reading of the other advances in technology mentioned in this report, the same idea kept returning to my thinking- mobiles are what it is all about! From being able to access electronic books on mobiles, teaching students through games that are played individually or collaboratively and soon with more gesture- based computing, and of course the augmented reality accessibility on a mobile, mobiles are the most important advance mentioned in this report. They will be what get students away from “sitting, listening and parroting” learning to “up and doing, thinking, creating, interactive learning” preparing them for these new horizons they will experience within the next five years. Wonder what will be on next year's report? Life as an educator and student is definitely on the horizon!

1 comment:

  1. It certainly is an exciting time to be involved in education. I believe we are at the event horizon of what can only be called a revolution. I agree mobiles will be at the core of it.
